Courses for Simulator Student Assistants (SSAs)

Involving the students is a key factor for a successful outcome of COAST. Involving the students as Simulator Student Assistants (SSA) will play a vital role in student engagement across the four institutions. The ongoing development of the SSA Training course will introduce the students to different topics where the focus will be how the K-Sim simulator is operated. One objective with the course is the start and stop of the simulator and what to do when the simulator is not working properly. A highlight of the SSA Course objectives is listed below:

  • K-Sim simulator structure and architecture
  • K-Sim functionality
  • K-Sim Institution specifics
  • How to operate the simulator and start exercises
  • Troubleshooting and fault-finding (site-specific)
  • The role of the SSA

The course development is administered by NTNU Ålesund and will involve all four COAST institutions. The first draft for the course curriculum review is expected to be distributed before the end of July 2021. After feedback and revisions, the preliminary plan is to conduct the pilot course during autumn 2021 before COAST roll-out in early 2022. During 2022 the SSA Course will be operational and available for all COAST institutions.